
[Full Story] See How Toru Furuya's Abusive Affair With His Female Fan Unfolded!


Toru Furuya has been in the spotlight after he allegedly admitted to having an abusive affair with a fan of his for over four years.

While her apology letter did not convey the entire scandal, an interview with the victim herself—who was referred to as A-ko (Japanese media often refer to victims anonymously as A-ko or B-ko)—with Bunshun revealed more information about their relationship.

The 33-year-old fan, significantly younger than Furuya and just a year older than his daughter, detailed a troubling series of events that began with his admiration for her work and turned into a complicated and painful affair.

A-ko stated that she told her story so that he would not repeat the same mistake with anyone else.

Initial Interactions

A-ko first met Furuya through his role as Tooru Amuro in the 2016 film Detective Conan: Darkest Nightmare.

Her admiration deepened after she attended a fan event in 2017, where Furuya interacted closely with attendees. She recalls the event involving hugs and other intimate interactions, which intensified her feelings for him.

In 2019, she had seen Zero the Executioner 45 times and regularly sent fan letters and gifts to Furuya's agency.

Her interactions with fans took a personal turn on New Year's Day 2019, when she received a text message from an unknown number, which turned out to be Furuya himself.

Initially skeptical, she finally believed it was really him after they exchanged messages. Their first face-to-face meeting took place in February 2019 at a Tokyo restaurant, followed by a karaoke session where Furuya's singing captivated her even more.

Caso Torufuruya

Toru forces himself on her

In March 2019, A-ko traveled to Kochi City for an anime event and was invited to Furuya's hotel room late at night.

Upon her arrival, A-ko claimed that Furuya forcefully pushed her onto the bed and attempted to have unprotected sex with her, despite her protests.

He reassured her by claiming he was infertile due to failed fertility treatments with his wife. It didn't occur to her that Furuya might be lying (the VA has a daughter, as mentioned earlier).

Even though he said I was still anxious to get pregnant. But he was my idol, someone I deeply admired. The idea that he might be lying never crossed my mind. In the end, we had unprotected sex that night,” she admits.

This meeting marked the beginning of a more intense phase in their relationship – as Furuya often set aside time to spend with her.

Such adventures were to be expected from a man who claimed that sex played an important role in their relationship and that being with her made him feel like he was still a man and still had it in him.

However, the voice actor also said that he had “genuine feelings” for A-ko.

Tensions rise and Furuya becomes abusive

Furuya's marital status was a constant source of tension when it came to their relationship.

A-ko admits that she fell deeply in love with him despite the significant age difference. However, Furuya consistently stated that he could not divorce his wife.

In September 2020, a violent incident at Furuya's villa in the Kanto region marked a turning point. During a heated argument, Furuya allegedly hit her multiple times, causing her nose to bleed.

Although she managed to call the police, Furuya took her phone.

After the altercation, A-ko fled the village with Furuya in pursuit, begging for forgiveness. Although the police arrived, the incident was ultimately ruled a lovers' quarrel by the responding officers.

Furuya later admitted to the violence, stating that he lost control in a panic.

I hit her two or three times. During our fight, she started saying she was going to 'leave'… I panicked. I lost control and attacked her.,” he said. “I panicked, thinking that if this became a police matter and everything got out, that would be the end of it. The police came, but they thought it was a lovers' quarrel and left it at that.

Despite police involvement, the situation was downplayed and A-ko continued their relationship, albeit with increasing caution. Furuya continued to seek advice from her on personal projects and used his voice acting talent to manipulate her emotions, further complicating their dynamic.

He declared his love for A-ko, using the voices of beloved characters, including Tooru Amuro, the role that connected them. He adapted Amuro's line, “My lover, is this country,” replacing “country” with her name.

He later admitted in the interview following A-ko's revelations that this was "an act that tarnished the character" and apologized to fans.

A forced abortion:

The biggest obstacle in his path was yet to come.

In March 2021, A-ko discovered she was pregnant. Furuya's response was immediate and unequivocal: he wanted her to have an abortion.

He initially communicated this through a casual LINE message, which A-ko found deeply hurtful.

When she called him, her first words were an insistence on terminating the pregnancy. Despite her emotional turmoil and desire for him to consider her feelings, Furuya remained adamant.

He initially refused to sign the necessary consent form, justifying his refusal by claiming that it was to continue the relationship.

After much persuasion, he finally signed a memorandum after the procedure, but this event left A-ko emotionally devastated.

When he refused to sign, he justified it by saying, 'It's so I can continue my relationship with you.' I persuaded him and had him sign a memo after the surgery, separate from the one he had previously sent to the hospital.”A-ko said to Bunshun.

The separation

The relationship ended abruptly in September 2023 after an argument at an airport. Returning from an event in Hokkaido, the two clashed over the future.

Furuya, angrier than ever, addressed the abortion and his marital status, ending the relationship in a public confrontation.

A-ko has not contacted him since. Reflecting on the case, she recognized the mixture of happiness and cruelty she experienced, leaving her emotions deeply conflicted.

A-ko said that during their final argument, Furuya harshly reminded her that she knew he was married when they got involved, and he brought up abortion as if it were a point of contention.

His final words to her were: “It's well and truly over now,”After that he left, leaving her feeling betrayed and frustrated.

Despite the abusive nature of the relationship, A-ko admitted that there were moments of genuine happiness that made her feelings about the entire experience complex and difficult to reconcile.

Toru Furuya's wife called him a fool and short-sighted, saying they would have to live with the shame. She also told their daughter, who reportedly said, "I'm on Dad's side."

Source: Bunshun through the Zeonic Republic

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