Otaku Culture

Imaizumi Brings All the Girls to His House is the Best Romcom According to Otakus


Imaizumi brings all the girls to his house is a popular manga that this year brought great news to its fans such as the adaptation of its material to a new language, which caused a lot of fury in the community of people who follow this story. For this and other reasons such as its addictive story, it has become so famous in the otaku community, to the point that fans say that this is the best romantic comedy or «romcom» that exists among others anime very popular.

Imaizumi Brings All the Girls to His House is the number one romantic comedy in the opinion of fans

A história de H Imaizumi traz todas as garotas para sua casa receberá sua própria adaptação para o inglês

The manga of Imaizumi brings all the girls to his house It is the one that has gained great popularity within the otaku community, its fun story has made fans start saying on social networks through memes that, despite there being a wide variety of romcoms that are quite popular among anime fans, this is the winning story and is crowned the best romantic comedy of all time.

With the great news that was given this year about the publication in English by the publisher Seven Seasthe fame of Imaizumi brings all the girls to his house It increased a lot and a lot more people became interested in knowing what the story was about, why it was causing such a stir among manga readers. In fact, for many other people, this was a surprise because it is not just an H story, but it is a self-published work, so it was not thought that such a big publisher would bring this story officially.

Likewise, the news of having the manga Imaizumi brings all the girls to his house published in another language, besides its original language, it raised the hopes of the followers of this story, of having an upcoming anime adaptation and many people also commented that they hoped not to censor much of the content considering the type of story it is about.

O mangá H “Imaizumi traz todas as garotas para sua casa” será adaptado para um novo idioma

Another thing that fans commented on was that just as the manga will soon be available in English, they hoped that it could be obtained in Spanish and preferably uncensored so that they could more fully enjoy the experience of reading the entertaining story that it is. Imaizumi brings all the girls to his house. For those interested in purchasing the manga in English, it will go on sale in December 2024.

And if you still don't know what this story is about, here we have it Imaizumi A boy who is living a life that many high school boys only dream of having. During the day, he goes to school like any other student his age would, but when he gets home at night, it is full of sexy girls. It seems that his house has become the place where the most beautiful “gyaru” girls gather.

At the house of Imaizuminow there's everything from gossip fests, candy-eating marathons to very close physical encounters with your new housemates. Your home used to be a peaceful place, but now it's full of non-stop energy and very exciting outings. Now the question is: will it Imaizumi Able to keep up with her lustful companions? We will have to enter this world to discover all those fun adventures that our protagonist and these girls live.

Imaizumin Chi Wa Douyara Gal No Tamariba Ni Natteru Rashii Ind

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