Otaku Culture

It marks a new year since the release of the anime H


In the world of anime there are a large number of emblematic series, but without a doubt Boku no Pico It's something that all anime fans have encountered at some point in their experience in this world, although its "traumatic" content has also left many shocked. There are several stories that this H-style anime has left in people and this September 7th marks a new anniversary of its official release, with this series having been with us for 18 years.

Boku no Pico completes 18 years since its official release

Boku No Pico

This September 7th marks a new birthday that many anime fans have certainly forgotten, but when they find out who the protagonist is, they will certainly have more than one story from this anime, which is H style and left more than one shocked at the time. And that's it Boku no Pico It has become one of the most talked about works of the H genre in all this time since its debut in 2006, until its name surpassed the world of H anime, becoming one of the most recognized by all people.

For those who don't know the anime, this one, as we mentioned, is H style, but from the beginning it traumatized many by showing in the most raw way of all a relationship between a very young boy and an adult, where nothing is left to the imagination. Our main protagonists are Nozzlea young man with blond hair, and Tamotsuan older man who takes him to explore the forbidden world, in a first OVA that stood out for its descriptive content.

Such was the success he had Boku no Pico which in total obtained 3 OVAs, which explore and further increase what was seen at the beginning, but the popularity did not stop there, but Boku no Pico also managed to venture into other very popular media, demonstrating how far this series went. which started as something very "shocking". Over the years, Natural High's work would gain its own manga, but also a video game inspired by Boku no Pico and even a music album.

Boku No Pico

But the name of Boku no Pico It didn't stop there, and its shocking content began to be used by anime lovers as a joke. Every time someone wanted to know the name of an anime, movie or any type of work in the medium, they would use the name Boku no Pico as an answer. That's why, over the years, this H-style anime went from being heavily criticized for its graphic content that hides nothing to becoming a cult favorite and a joke all over the internet.

In conclusion, Boku no Pico It is a work that impacted, traumatized and generated controversy due to its content, but even over the years it became secondary, with many people taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of many to use it as a joke. With an 18-year interval, apparently the popularity of the work does not seem to decrease, but rather increase, mainly due to the meme treatment it has been receiving for some time. This is even more so with the great increase in audience that anime has been having in recent years and that leaves many more prisoners to watch Boku no Pico accidentally.
